Welcome to Ferry Row Bed & Breakfast

Get away from it all in this quiet B&B


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Right by the sea!

Comfortable bedrooms - Outstanding sea views

Out and about from Ferry Row - so much to see and do!

Fairtrade – Organic – Local

Ferry Row B&B is a quiet bed & breakfast in Fairlie. “A House with its Feet in the Water”, it sits on the seafront in the peaceful, picturesque village of Fairlie.

Just 3 miles south of Largs, Fairlie has a long tradition of accommodating summer visitors and holidaymakers, and we continue to enjoy the company of guests in our home all year round.

As befits a seaside cottage, Ferry Row B&B is simple, cosy and comfortable: no TV – just take time to gaze at the view and listen to the sea, the herring gulls, the blackbirds … enjoy the sunset and get away from it all.

Here you will find peace and quiet, a comfortable room, a quality breakfast and a beautiful view – a place for reflection or a base for activity. So whether you want to be mindful or mobile, if you are looking for a quiet, friendly B&B in Ayrshire, this is for you.

Breakfast with a view

The Sitooterie provides a panoramic view at breakfast time
See what’s on the menu and in your room.  Wifi is available throughout.

Rates and Booking

B&B in Ferry Row starts at £40 per person for bed, breakfast and free Wifi. We don’t use booking websites – simply click on Contact / Booking to see what to do.

How to find us

It’s easy! When you reach Fairlie on the A78 there is one set of traffic lights, and you simply turn towards the sea….
Full directions and parking information.

We ask guests to respect our no smoking policy which applies throughout the B&B.

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